Positive uses still exist

 "Privacy is no longer a social norm" according to Facebook boss, Mark Zuckerberg

As in the real life, there are always good and bad ones. But the anonymity offered by the Internet is stronger if it's possible. So, please take care of your privacy and your security. It's not bad use TIC's because they are our present but as with many things, every user has to be careful and responsible of each online info.

Anyway, Internet brings us many good things not to miss. Also this post is here to offer you some of the most famous milestones and try to explain what they really are.

To start, we can mentioned the Peer-to-peer system (P2P) for sharing files among users without the need of a central server. This phenomenon changed the way the world was known until then. And also, the way in that Linux (free software) or Mozilla Firefox, among others, work. They do it with the help of every user to implement details of some systems, what is called "free software" and "open source", even it's argued they are different between them.

Along with these concepts, emerged another called copyleft, the opposite of copyright, that is the movement by which stipulates the designation of "free of author rights" rather than "all rights reserved". The most colloquial way to call those artistic and scientific works free of rights which was born in the '70. One example is: Wikimedia Commons. 
This results in licenses "Creative Commons", which means "some rights reserved" and allows authors choose their own kind of rights on their works. This is a true diffusion model created by the homonymous NGO in California and, these kind of licenses called "share-alike".

In order to continue talking about artistic works, we should mentioned the phenomenon: crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is just a kind of financing method that involves funding to project with relatively modest contributions from a large group of individuals, because the entrepreneur's project via Internet platforms has campaigned to publicize its "future" work (if finally it's well funded). Here you have a video about how this works. It is closely linked to the concept of crowdsourcing by which the community (even before the digital age) bound to develop an idea.

Finally, it's worth mentioned to the most popular social networks exist nowadays. As Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Though these are no mystery for the reader, they are as an open window to the world to connect people.

To end with this post and if you want to watch a new kind of audiovisual curriculum, check the examples on the page "positives uses still exist" on this blog and you could see a new method to introduce yourself to apply for a job.

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