Everyone knew, everyone knows

This 15-year-old girl from Canada, Amanda Todd, suffered humiliation 
and jokes from her fellows because 
of a mistake. When she was 12, she used a webcam wrongly and her privacy was shown on FB after she 
had been blackmailed.
Finally, she killed herself because of
the cyber and real bullying this last October. But it is not the only one,
because history repeats itself. Becoming more, Internet misuse
grows with this new phenomenon called cyberbullying.

In Holland, Tim Ribberink (20) committed suicide leaving a note to his parents in November last year after have been harassed online.

These are the stories about two young people who have been missed what life is and has, because someone that has no mercy, made them impossible to continue living.

Stories about bullying are even more depressing when are about young people who, meaningless, have lost their lifes. And one of the reasons for that are the misuse of Internet and how strong the power of fear and shame can play with us. 

(The picture above is from the page on Facebook of group's tribute)

1 comentario:

  1. Good article but what a terrible story! I think that leaders and govemments have to approve laws to protect teenagers from cyberbulling. It´s necessary.
