international cases

This page will be used to publish cases of problems with Internet and its privacy around the world.

Harassment, sextortion, now on Internet

15-year-old girl from Canada, Amanda Todd, suffered humiliation and jokes from her fellows because of a mistake. She killed herself because of the cyber and real bullying this last October. Becoming more, Internet misuse grows with this new phenomenon called cyberbullying. Stories about harassment are even more depressing when are about young people who, meaningless, have lost their lifes because of the harassment.

One of the reasons for that are the misuse of Internet that it's called (cyber)bullying. But there are another kinds of harassment called "grooming over the Internet" and "sextortion" with young people and children. Many videos started to grow on Internet as well, to raise awareness among parents and young people about the proper use of the Internet must be.

Think twice before uploading some pictures of you on Internet, because Internet has infinite memory and everything can be hacked by someone and used against you. This is the case of Angie Varona who uploaded several years ago pictures of herself dressed in swimsuit on her profile of Photobucket to her boyfriend.

Someone brake the security of her account there and published her photos on several porn websites. She was stalked and haunted. She had to change high-school twice and restart her life next to her parents. Nowadays, the searching of her name is still on and there are many pages about her and hundreds of pictures on google images.



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